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This photo series began during quarantine, whilst I was processing overwhelming feelings of anxiety, bouts of dissociation, grief and a prolonged sense of ennui. Making these images allowed me to find a sense of solace. The works take inspiration from parts of my daily routine, including gardening at home in a tiny city garden, reading voraciously, excavating older works etc. Creating these images allowed me to spend time away from the hypnotizing spell of screens and to re-discover meaning in the process of creation, in forming new rituals, routines and savoring the small joys in the midst of deep grief and chaos. Several of the works are self-portraits that become visual metaphors for the maelstrom of feelings, the emotional states and of inner worlds during lockdown.

Proteus Effect

Virtual Pilgrimage

Chaos Magick

Meditations (on America)


Vestiges 2.0


Fairy Garden Face (AR)

Phantasmagoria (Super 8 film stills)

Three Graces / Diaspora 

Re-generative Play



Phantasms of the Blue Sky


In Continuum / Digital Garden


Alchemizing Alcoves

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