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Proteus Effect

Virtual Pilgrimage

Chaos Magick

Meditations (on America)


Vestiges 2.0


Fairy Garden Face (AR)

Phantasmagoria (Super 8 film stills)

Three Graces / Diaspora 

Re-generative Play



Phantasms of the Blue Sky


In Continuum / Digital Garden


Alchemizing Alcoves

Blue Skies

Meditations on America is a series presented as ruminations on the construct of America of the past, present and future, using imagery and claustrophobic table-top tableaus constructed through the course of a road trip–––traversing the country from Tongva land to Lenape land and in the studio subsequently. 

With a hyperreal cinematic undertone, there’s an inherent interplay of fact and fiction. The images explores the underpinning anxiety of contemporary American life; the narratives interlace the nebulous lure of commerce and the nostalgia of car culture with emblems of surveillance and artifice - showcasing oppressive tokens of cultural hegemony that have become synonymous with America in the Information Age. 

Photography by its nature is inherently simulacra, as routes the landscapes and still lives examine narratives of an aestheticized and anesthetized America in the era of late Capitalism. The series unfolds with vignetted scenes from the road, subsumed by crippling anxiety-laden scenes of excess set to the backdrop of vast, unfolding vistas, all punctuated by traffic lights, cctv and convenience stores at every intersection. 

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